Write At Home #348

Freelance journalist and writer jobs | February 5, 2024

Hello! Welcome to Write At Home, a comprehensive round-up of the best journalist and writer jobs on offer.

As paid subscribers, you’ve got access to twice as many newsletters as free sign-ups. If you haven’t seen last Thursday’s list yet, you can do so here.

Below you’ll find loads of the most recent gigs divided up into three simple categories:

- Freelance journalist calls-for-pitches

- Permanent(ish) / ongoing journalist jobs

- Content writer / copywriter / blogger opportunities

Unless otherwise stated, all are home-based or have a remote working option.

All the best, and thanks again for subscribing!

Free Guide: How to Set Rates as a Freelance Writer (with real data!)

Gain confidence in charging what your words are worth, especially if…

- You’re at capacity constantly… With low-paying work.

- You’ve got a high-maintenance client… But you can’t afford to drop them.

- You want to hit send on that higher per word rate… But you have no idea if it's reasonable.

With this pricing data in your back pocket, trust me when I say this: every single day will feel like a tiny celebration.

(That’s what happens when you start working towards a sustainable freelancing business!)

* sponsored content

Freelance journalist calls-for-pitches

- History | History News Network is looking for stories that help readers make sense of the ways in which currents from the past continue to swirl through the present. $300 / £240 per piece.

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A subscription gets you:

  • • Access to both Tuesday and Friday newsletters.
  • • Approximately 80 jobs listed each week – twice as many as basic plan.
  • • Access to past issues included.